Have an enquiry?
Please feel free to reach out to us however small or large your enquiry is.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:45 am – 7:30 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
We have a small car park off Cromwell road (signposted Middleton's Hotel) which is free to use. Guests are not permitted to use the car park past the barrier. If the car park is full, you can pay £1 for 1 hours parking on Cromwell road, please bring cash for this.
Bike racks - available
Report to the reception at Emperors Health Club before entering our clinic.
Bookings are by appointment only.
Opening Hours
Tues, Wed, Thur
8:45 am – 7:30 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
We have no on-site parking. Leeds Dock is a pedestrianised area. We advise our clients to use the 2 hours free on road parking near to Leeds Dock/Tesco Express (unless otherwise signposted). The clinic is often only a 2 -4 minute walk away from these roads.
Bike racks - available
Report to the reception at Condition Gym before entering our clinic.
Bookings are by appointment only.